Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Madalina Croitoru co-organized the workshop GKR@IJCAI (international workshop on graph structures for knowledge representation and reasoning) co-located with IJCAI 2015. This is the 4th edition of this workshop series, that she initiated for IJCAI 2011. https://www.lirmm.fr/~croitoru/GKR/

Marie-Laure Mugnier co-organized the workshop “Ontologies and logic programming for query answering” co-located with IJCAI 2015. http://iaoa.org/jowo/calls/

Scientific events selection

We are regularly members of the program committees of the main generalist conferences in AI (i.e., IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI) and more specialized conferences and workshops (KR, the main conference in knowledge representation and reasoning, RR —Web reasoning and Rule Systems, SUM — International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, COMMA — International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Metadata and Semantics Research Conference, etc.)

In 2015, those conferences were:

  • AAAI 2015: 1 senior PC member (Marie-Laure Mugnier) and 2 PC members (Federico Ulliana, Jean-François Baget)

  • IJCAI 2015: 4 PC members (Jean-François Baget, Madalina Croitoru, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Federico Ulliana)

  • KR 2016 (Marie-Laure Mugnier)

  • RR 2015: 1 PC member (Marie-Laure Mugnier)

  • SUM 2015 (Madalina Croitoru)

  • MTSR 2015, special track on Metadata and Semantics for Agriculture, Food & Environment [AgroSEM'15] (Patrice Buche)

  • PRIMA 2015 (Pierre Bisquert)


Madalina Croitoru is member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA).

Invited talks

  • 8th International colloquium GeCSO Gestion des connaissances dans la société et les organisations (GECSO 2015), Bordeaux, June 2015, `Intégration de modèles en ingénierie des connaissances aide à la décision pour le choix d'emballages alimentaires', Patrice Buche

  • Seminar INRA DID'IT (Diet impact and determinants), May 2015, Intégration de modèles en ingénierie des connaissances aide à la décision pour le choix d'emballages alimentaires, Patrice Buche

  • Building the next generation of sustainable food packaging from the conversion of food wastes: Decision Support System. Milano Expo 2015 – October 2015, Patrice Buche

  • Environmental Life Cycle Analysis using knowledge engineering based approach for assessing sustainability of biorefinery systems, GDR CNRS-INRA Symbiose, November 2015, Patrice Buche

  • Open data: éléments de contexte, enjeux, initiatives, Séminaire d'automne du département INRA CEPIA, October 2015, Patrice Buche

Leadership within the scientific community

Scientific expertise

Rallou Thomopoulos and Madalina Croitoru are members of the management committee of the European cooperation network (COST) "Mathematical and Computer Science Methods for Food Science and Industry", accepted in Nov. 2105. http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15118 http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15118?management

Scientific advisory board of the Food and Bioproducts department (CEPIA) at INRA (Marie-Laure Mugnier, since 2011).

Scientific advisory board of ABES (National Bibliographic Agency for Universities), Michel Chein (since 2010)

Participation to the Wheat Data initiative of Research Data Alliance (Patrice Buche from June 2015), whose objective is to propose recommandations for wheat and other cereals data


Punctual expertise tasks: Experts for ANR, INRA and Inria.